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LNYF 2020 Reflections~

Feb. 23, 2020—I wrote a post about cultural showcases last year, but this time I’m going to focus on the Lunar New Year Festival (LNYF), a huge cultural showcase put on by the Asian American Student Association (AASA), which happened just yesterday! It’s hands down my favorite Vandy activity because students from various backgrounds, come together to learn...

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Exploring Nashville

Nov. 25, 2019—Nashville is truly a busy city! There is constantly so much occurring that it is borderline impossible to be truly bored. Earlier this semester, I was able to attend the Celebrate Nashville Cultural Festival in Centennial Park as part of an extra credit assignment for one of my classes. It was truly a great experience,...

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TDS 2019 – Reflections

Nov. 14, 2019—The Diwali Showcase (TDS) is a massive cultural showcase put on by the student organization, South Asian Cultural Exchange (SACE). It’s a super cool event because students from various backgrounds, not just South Asian, come together to learn a dance, increase their cultural understanding, and perform in Langford Auditorium. Check out this Hustler article that...

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Throwback Thursday: Why I chose Vandy

Oct. 17, 2019—‘Tis the season of applications, and now that I’m a graduating senior, I thought it would be fun to think back to four years ago when I was applying to college! I hope this might help those of you who are thinking about applying to Vanderbilt but aren’t sure. I toured A BUNCH of schools...

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Why Vandy?

Mar. 29, 2019—When I visited Vanderbilt my junior year of high school, I had no idea this was where I would end up. After touring and learning about many other universities, by senior year of high school I was set on coming to Vandy. Here are some reasons that I knew either from the get go or...

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SAQ: What Do You Like About Vanderbilt? (Part I: The Environment)

Dec. 26, 2018—International students, professors, outstanding seniors...

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Introducing New Bloggers! 2018-19 edition

Nov. 26, 2018—We just finished our recruitment season for Inside ‘Dores this semester, and we are so excited to introduce some of our newest bloggers to you! Here are 8 of our freshest faces on the blog!: Monica Liu Hometown: Short Hills, NJ Class of: 2021 Major/Minor: HOD with minors in English and Computer Science Favorite On-Campus Activity: Eating...

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Introducing FirstVU

Oct. 1, 2018—Are you a first generation college student? Being a first generation college student encompasses many things, it does not necessarily follow a strict definition. This umbrella term can apply to you in many ways like these: being the first in your family to attend any college (like Anarius) being the first in your family to...

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CC: Asian-American Christian Fellowship (AACF)!

Jul. 15, 2017—"AACF became a comfortable place for me to start exploring faith."

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Mayfields and Immigration

Apr. 4, 2016—The biggest accomplishment this week: I have secured housing for next year! This is just one of many steps I've been taking to prepare myself for my next year.

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