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‘College Life’

Spring break on the horizon // rain pls stop thx

Feb. 24, 2019—We are officially one week away from Spring Break, marking the halfway point of the semester! Most, if not all, students seem quite ready for this break, especially since teachers seem to pile on assignments and tests for this time of the semester. It will definitely be nice to have a break from regular academics,...

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What I Learned by Almost Sleeping Through a Midterm

Feb. 17, 2019—I woke up at 9:39 AM to the sound of pounding on my door. Class had started at 9:35 and it was the day of our first Country Music midterm. The next six minutes were a blur. In that time, I managed to put on a hoodie, grab my backpack, rush down a few flights...

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The Best On-Campus Vanderbilt Meals

Feb. 10, 2019—At Vanderbilt, you get 3 meals/day your first year and then it decreases to 2 meals/day as the default meal plan for your second year with the option to modify it to your liking. If you only have 2 meals/day like me, it’s important to use your meals wisely. Here are my breakfast, lunch, and, dinner...

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Free Time (& Loneliness) in College

Jan. 10, 2019—Surprisingly, one of the hardest adjustments for me when I came to Vanderbilt was the large amount of free time you have in college. Of course, Vanderbilt is a tough school but that does not mean that I do work all day every day. Especially freshman year, many of my friends and I had tough...

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Senior Sophie Reflects: Role As A Student Leader

Dec. 21, 2018—Senior Sophie just reflecting on trying to make other people smile

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Things I’m Thankful For

Nov. 29, 2018—It might be week late, but in spirit of Thanksgiving and pre finals szn, I wanted to make a list of what I’m thankful for! Being surrounded by amazing people: Vanderbilt is such an awesome place because it brings so many incredible people together, whether that’s fellow students who become lifelong friends or erudite professors...

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Introducing New Bloggers! 2018-19 edition

Nov. 26, 2018—We just finished our recruitment season for Inside ‘Dores this semester, and we are so excited to introduce some of our newest bloggers to you! Here are 8 of our freshest faces on the blog!: Monica Liu Hometown: Short Hills, NJ Class of: 2021 Major/Minor: HOD with minors in English and Computer Science Favorite On-Campus Activity: Eating...

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Life as a First Generation College Student

Oct. 14, 2018—Hey everyone! My name is Toby, and I’m a first generation sophomore student here at Vandy. I am in Peabody College, studying child development and Psychology. Outside of class, I work as an undergraduate research assistant in the Little Learner’s Lab, am secretary of our first-year Honor Societies (Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma),...

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Introducing FirstVU

Oct. 1, 2018—Are you a first generation college student? Being a first generation college student encompasses many things, it does not necessarily follow a strict definition. This umbrella term can apply to you in many ways like these: being the first in your family to attend any college (like Anarius) being the first in your family to...

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Back to Black {and Gold}

Aug. 27, 2018—Though I moved in a week ago, and classes started just last Wednesday, it feels like I’ve been at Vandy for a much longer time, while also not realizing how fast it all goes by. At the same time it feels like I’m still at the beginning, but I also feel much more experienced since...

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