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Holler Out to Houston

Jul. 12, 2014—It was only a twenty-one hour bus trip to Houston. As you know from previous posts and from Humans of New York, Dmitri always has to travel with me. We made it through the journey by napping most of the ride.

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Performing at the Ryman

Dec. 19, 2013—My friend E. had sent me an email asking me whether I was still in Nashville on December 11-12, and due to Finals, I replied with a yes. She then asked me whether I would be interested in playing a show. Of course! I can't believe that my first ever non-classical music performance was for Andrew Peterson's show "Behold the Lamb of God"!

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Why Vanderbilt: A Musician’s Perspective, Part 2

Nov. 8, 2013—Last time, I left you with a cliffhanger.  Why did I choose Vanderbilt over a conservatory?

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Why Vanderbilt: A Musician’s Perspective, Part 1

Oct. 22, 2013—Usually at the end of sophomore year, when we have to choose our majors, we hit a wall. We figuratively hit it really hard. We come to that point where we ask ourselves the academic existentialist question, "Why am I in school?" For me, specifically, it was the question, "What I am doing.... as a musician?"

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Music Making

Nov. 22, 2012—This post coming to you fresh from the Yeh kitchen, as Mr. Turkey makes friends with his neighbors Butternut Squash, Carrot, and Potatoes in the Oven. Today I was practicing again. Such is the life. Anyways, I had the strangest feeling: the realization of the complete disconnect among the fingers of my left hand, which tapped the wire strings against the neck of my cello, and my right arm swinging back and forth like a pendulum- right, left, right left- and the noise which was just coming out of the wood. It was so bizarre.

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I Might As Well Be Living in The Sound of Music

Apr. 24, 2012—It's concert and performance season, and I'm not missing any opportunities to cheer on my friends in their musical endeavors. Perhaps one day their talents will rub off on me. Fingers crossed!

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