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‘alumni hall’

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Dec. 13, 2015—Ah, finals. A season during which you can catch the college student in their most natural state (which, for me, is wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt that’s four sizes too big, hair unwashed, sitting curled up in a coffee shop somewhere as if my appearance is at all socially acceptable and frantically copying notes).

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My Love Affair with Peabody Library

Dec. 9, 2015—Central Library may have captured the heart of Taylor Swift, but Peabody Library has the love of a way more relatable person: Carly Meyers. I am right here, and I am here for you Peabody. Much love.

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Pho, Anyone?

Oct. 24, 2013—My opinion on the current star of Vanderbilt Dining options.

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Sep. 13, 2013—It might seem like I'm talking about being a senior a lot, but that's because it's pretty awesome.

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The New Alumni Hall

Sep. 1, 2013—In my time at Vanderbilt, Alumni Hall has never really been a consistent space. It had some offices and at one point, temporarily housed the Writing Studio. Last year, however, it was closed off and completely renovated. This past Friday, with the opening of the workout room, the renovation was officially complete!

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