Summer Update
Jul. 8, 2012—Sorry I’ve been slacking with my blogging y’all, but here are a few updates:
Jul. 8, 2012—My summer has finally begun! I know it seems a little late, but I can finally relax! I took the MCAT on Friday afternoon, so my summer studies are officially over.
My Published Research Paper
Jun. 27, 2012—As I mentioned in a few of my previous posts, I worked on a semester-long research paper and project for one of my classes. The class was about democracy and public opinion in Latin America, which was completely unfamiliar to me prior to it. My final published paper was a collaborative effort with two of...
Vanderbilt Undergraduate Summer Research Program
Jun. 8, 2012—The Vanderbilt Undergraduate Summer Research Program is pretty self-explanatory….it is a summer research program for undergraduates at Vanderbilt! Okay, but really…it is a program that students apply to (usually for the summer after junior year, but sometimes after sophomore year) that allows them to do research in any field (to apply, you submit your project...
Commencement: The Observer’s Perspective
Jun. 3, 2012—It's the culmination of four years of blood, sweat, and tears. The moment your entire college career comes to. The few second in which you receive that much desired diploma and are congratulated by an entire university. It is thankfully something I still have two years before I participate in. It is something I had the pleasure of observing this year. It is...Vanderbilt Commencement.
Vandy Summers
May. 28, 2012—I shared what I’m up to this summer in my last post so I thought I’d also mention what my Vandy friends are doing!
Physics Phun (Sorry, I had to do it)
May. 21, 2012—I’ve been meaning to blog for the last week or so, but I’ve been so busy that I kept forgetting. I know you’re wondering why I’m so busy, so let me tell you about my summer plans:
Preparing for the MCAT
May. 16, 2012—I am currently just over one week into my MCAT preparations. As promised, below is a more detailed explanation of my study plan.
Sophomore Spring in Review
May. 8, 2012—I have been home for just about four days. It has taken me this long to unpack and decompress from a whirlwind semester. Here is a recap of my Sophomore Spring:
1/4 Done? Preposterous.
May. 3, 2012—Here is an end-of-the-year ramble. Enjoy this peek into my scrambled brain.