Summer Category
My Month in Ecuador (thank you Vandy!)
Nov. 8, 2015—This summer I went to Ecuador for a month, thanks to a program in Vandy's OACS (Office of Active Citizenship and Service). This program taught me more than I could have asked for. We had a reunion dinner to reflect on our experience, and I was asked to write a speech. Here it is!
Getting Involved At Vandy: The Politics Edition
Sep. 13, 2015—The following is a guest blog post by my awesome and talented friend, Caroline. Thank you for sharing your insight and perspective, Caroline! Hey guys! I’m Caroline and I’m a sophomore Public Policy Studies major from Florida. I pretty much live and breathe politics, so Aditi asked me to write about all the cool opportunities...
A Transfer’s Fears: the End
May. 11, 2015—I’ve met friends who made me laugh and cry, who made me pour out my heart and soul and deepest, darkest secrets. I’ve met friends who saw me in my most vulnerable, my most pathetic, yet still embraced me. I remember looking them in the eye as tears fell down my face, talking about how...
Summer 2015 Bucket List
May. 10, 2015—I still have a few months at home before I get to head back to Vandy in August. While I already miss Nashville, I plan on making this summer really count! 1. Do All the Touristy things in Bethlehem When begging my friends to come visit me in Bethlehem, PA this summer, I was often...
Apr. 9, 2015—How Vanderbilt helped me make summer plans!
Quickie February Post: Apps, Apps everywhere
Feb. 15, 2015—Expecting chocolates and roses this month? Think again, college students!
Chronicles of Narnia: the Student, the Shift, and the Family
Dec. 24, 2014—Going home for the holidays might not be what you expected it to be. Sure wasn't for me the first time.
Just Another Manic Monday
Dec. 19, 2014—Experience the exciting conclusion to a day of the week that is mondane but certainly not mundane!