Nashville Category
Dec. 18, 2012—Hello one, hello all! It has been a long time since I've posted. Not that I haven't been blogging... it was just a matter of actually publishing my drafts. Ah, well, now that this semester's over and I'm still at Vanderbilt, let me fill you in on a few things and explain why I'm still in warm-weather Nashville.
Caitlyn’s Catch-Ups: Birthday Terror
Dec. 15, 2012—Catch-Ups part 3! A while back, I explored a side of Nashville that I had yet to see: the scary side.
Imma miss you, Vandy.
Dec. 15, 2012—Well folks, I survived the semester. After a stressful morning of last minute packing, goodbyes, and two plane rides, I am finally made it home. As I am sure all of you are well aware of, I am studying abroad next semester at the University of Edinburgh in Edinburgh, Scotland. While I could not be...
Fall Finale
Dec. 15, 2012—Today marks the official last day of the Fall Semester! Woo hoo! Though I made my way back home earlier in the week, I figured now is a good time as any to do some reflecting on the semester past and things to look forward to in the semester to come. Fall: 1) Large quantities...
WO Smith Music School
Dec. 14, 2012—One of the things that I wanted to keep up in college was playing the flute. I considered joining an orchestra or band for credit, but it was too big of a time commitment for me. However, I wanted to keep playing the flute as it had been such a big part of my life for over 10 years. That was when I heard about the WO Smith Music School.
Caitlyn’s Catch-Ups: A Friday Night Fiasco
Dec. 14, 2012—Part 2 of my catch-up series: A Sonic Adventure. What started out as a quick trip to the thrift store to pick up last minute pieces of our halloween costumes turned into a night that I won't soon forget.
Heading to the Shire! brb
Dec. 13, 2012—That’s right, folks. Finals week is, in fact, upon us. My schedule for the past 5 days has literally been: Wake up. Put on sweats. Go to the library. Eat and study. Study study study study. Eat. Study. Return from the library. Sleep. Rinse and repeat as needed. (5 days)
Caitlyn’s Catch-Ups
Dec. 13, 2012—Please allow me to present to you Caitlyn's Catch-Ups, a series of blogs similar to (and possibly inspired by), but not affiliated in any way with the Catch Up with Nathan and Victoria series.
Off Campus Study Date
Dec. 11, 2012—Last week my friend and I both had a lot of work to do for a couple of our classes. However, rather than staying on campus to study, we decided to venture off campus for a change of scenery!