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Economics Category

YES, I’m All Set For Spring 2016

Nov. 2, 2015—The melancholic tale of 8 a.m. classes.

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A ‘Major’ Decision

Oct. 8, 2015—Making my relationship with economics official; we're in for the long haul.

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A ‘First’ Class Semester

Nov. 26, 2014—As this semester draws to a close—and before the hurricane of finals week arrives—I thought it would be a good idea to tell y'all about my classes at Vanderbilt as well as the amazing professors I have had the pleasure of learning from.

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How to Get Rich and NOT Die Tryin

Feb. 17, 2014—When I say the words: college student. what is the first thing that you think of? Maybe you're philosophical and all that and think: "the future." Me? Not so much. The first word I think of is poor. Poor College Student. These two go perfectly together, like teenage girls and vampires. Here is my guide to get rich but not die tryin'.

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Why Vanderbilt: A Musician’s Perspective, Part 2

Nov. 8, 2013—Last time, I left you with a cliffhanger.  Why did I choose Vanderbilt over a conservatory?

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Vanderbilt 2017

Mar. 25, 2011—This Wednesday I formally accepted the Vanderbilt Law and Economics PhD/JD Program offer.  This program is 6 years, so I’ll be a Vanderbilt 2017 graduate!  I think it’s appropriate now to post some snippets from my personal statement (for law) and economics (statements of purpose).  (You may not recall but I applied to law schools...

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Impact 2011 Bridging the Gap: America’s Middle Class

Mar. 23, 2011—Every year in the spring, Vanderbilt Programming Board (VPB) organizes a symposium called Impact that features very notable figures from across the United States and abroad. Previous Impact speakers have included Margaret Thatcher and George Wallace. This two day long symposium deals with media affecting the middle class and the policy concerning the middle class....

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Tim Pawlenty and Christina Romer at Vanderbilt IMPACT Symposium 2011

Mar. 22, 2011—Tonight I went to go see Tim Pawlenty, former governor of Minnesota, and Christina Romer, former chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers, speak on “Bridging the Gap: America’s Middle Class,” which is the theme of Vanderbilt’s 2011 IMPACT Symposium. IMPACT is put on by the Vanderbilt Programming Board’s Speakers Committee each year. The...

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Late Night Study Sessions

Mar. 3, 2011—This week is the last week before Spring Break!  Of course, you know what that means.  Professors have decided to cram as many tests, papers, and homework assignments into these last few days as possible.  Nearly everyone I know is losing their mind, cramming in those last tidbits of information.  I guess this will make...

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I Did What? Kairos Global Summit Blows My Mind.

Mar. 2, 2011—It is really amazing what opportunities you are afforded while attending a top tier university. I say this because of the weekend I just experienced. In short, I attended the Kairos Society Global Summit in NYC, so let me explain how I got this chance, and of course what that means.

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