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Dance Category


Feb. 9, 2019—Before coming to Vanderbilt. I wasn’t much of a dancer but upon arriving to campus I tasked myself to step out of my comfort zone by joining Nilaja Amari, Vanderbilt’s African dance troupe. Nilaja is a very welcoming space and I’ve had lots of fun dancing with all its incredible members. We dance mostly to...

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Maymester Stop 6: Rome

Jun. 13, 2018—Hello again! Before beginning, if you have not yet read my previous posts on the Maymester program I was able to be a part of, be sure to check those out for more information on what a Maymester is and what brought me on this trip. Last but not least, our group traveled to Rome,...

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Maymester Stop 5: Zurich

Jun. 13, 2018—Hello again! Before beginning, if you have not yet read my previous posts on the Maymester program I was able to be a part of, be sure to check those out for more information on what a Maymester is and what brought me on this trip.   After our time in the Alps, our group...

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Maymester 2018 Stops 3 and 4: Murren and Grindelwald

Jun. 13, 2018—Hello again! Before beginning, if you have not yet read my previous posts on the Maymester program I was able to be a part of, be sure to check those out for more information on what a Maymester is and what brought me on this trip.   After Monte Verita, our exploration of culture and...

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Maymester 2018 Stop 2: Monte Verita

Jun. 12, 2018—Hello again! Before beginning, if you have not yet read my post on our Maymester’s first stop, Geneva, Switzerland, be sure to check that out for more information on what a Maymester is and what brought me to Switzerland. So, to pick up where we left off, I travelled to Monte Verita with my class...

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Dancing Through Life

Oct. 19, 2017—Coming into sophomore year, my main goal for the semester was to find a better balance between school, social activities, and exercise. Vanderbilt is ranked as the university with the #1 Happiest Students, which theoretically means that everyone is well-adjusted and living a balanced life. While Vandy is definitely an amazing place, a lot of students...

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Send us yo questions (yo)

Jun. 23, 2017—Email your questions about anything, because we know it all (obviously). :) Even if we don't, we can always find someone who does.

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Dance Marathon: The Big Event 2.0!

Mar. 30, 2017—Last weekend, Dance Marathon finally got to have our Big Event, our biggest fundraiser of the year! Dance Marathon is Vanderbilt’s largest student run philanthropic organization and all of the money the organization raises throughout the year goes directly to the Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital right here at Vanderbilt! Dance Marathon is one of...

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Diwali 2016

Nov. 23, 2016—  On 12th November, the South Asian Cultural Exchange (SACE) organized the biggest student-run multicultural performance on campus, Diwali. I have been a part of this annual showcase ever since freshman year, and every year I try to mix things up and perform a different dance. Diwali has a host of dances, such as classical,...

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So You Think You Can Relax?

Nov. 20, 2016—College is stressful, we all know that, but sometimes you have to unwind. Here are some ways I've done exactly that!

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