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What is HOD and Why is Everybody Doing It?

Apr. 14, 2021—One of the reasons why I love Vanderbilt so much is that they offer such a diverse range of majors and classes. Of course, if you have ever taken a tour of Vanderbilt, you will know that one of the most popular majors is Human and Organizational Development, or HOD. Falling under the Peabody College...

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It’s a New Year: resolutions, reflections & appreciation

Jan. 30, 2021—I used to never make New Year’s Resolutions because the idea always seemed a little silly to me. Instead, I have always concluded a year by pulling up the letter I wrote to myself the year prior, reading it, reflecting over the words and pictures I have collected from the past year, then typing a...

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HOD, English, & Chinese: My Academic Interests

Nov. 1, 2020—Hey guys! I’m super excited to say that this is my first post here on Inside ‘Dores, and I hope that I can provide some useful snapshots into my life as a Vanderbilt student going forward. To introduce myself, I’m a sophomore from Bellevue, Washington double majoring in Human and Organizational Development (HOD) and English...

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My Career Plans

Feb. 17, 2020—As you will know if you’ve read my other posts, I am a neuroscience and psychology double major planning on attending medical school next year. I thought I would briefly discuss my future career plans so that you can understand how my time at Vanderbilt and beyond fits into the larger picture.   Broadly, my...

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Schedule of a Second-Semester Freshman Vandy student (Pre-Med Edition)

Feb. 10, 2020—Hello world! I am so excited to say that this is my first blog post on Inside Dores! To read more about me and what I am excited for in my Vandy career, I have a short bio that tells you about all my plans and other nifty things. To sum things up, I’m currently...

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Best Nashville Experiences

Feb. 10, 2020—While there is no shortage of activities on Vanderbilt’s campus, there is also a hub of culture and recreation to be found in Nashville. In this post, I thought I would share some of my favorite experiences in Nashville for anyone looking to explore the city: Nashville Farmers’ Market- there are so many vendors and...

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Graduation: Thoughts and Feelings

Feb. 3, 2020—As a senior, I spend roughly half of my waking hours thinking about how much I’m going to miss Vanderbilt and how imminent graduation feels. I don’t think this is an uncommon sentiment among seniors, but I thought it would be nice to reflect a bit on my thoughts and feelings as my time at...

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Senior Year Highlights

Jan. 27, 2020—This year is definitely the one of the busiest and most enriching I’ve had during my Vanderbilt experience so far. Not only are classes interesting, but I’ve been given the chance to participate in a lot of other incredible experiences as well. Based on this, I thought I’d share some of the highlights I’ve experienced...

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Why Vanderbilt: Transfer Students (Part I)

Jan. 21, 2020—As promised in Fall 2019, I am writing this blog to present transfer students’ answers to the crucial question “Why Vanderbilt.” My “Why Vanderbilt” series will feature more transfers’ responses around February. I. A Junior’s Answer Year: Junior Majors: American Studies and Public Policy Studies Minor: Sociology Hometown: Provo, Utah Intended Career: Advocacy and NGO...

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Summer 2020 Preview

Jan. 20, 2020—If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I post updates each year on how I’m planning to spend my summer break. As this will be my final summer before medical school, I’m definitely trying to make the most of it and relax as much as possible before my next academic...

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