Exams Category
Dec. 23, 2015—A lot of you can probably relate to this, but studying for finals was never really a concern in high school. I was always pretty certain about the grade I’d receive, but in college it’s definitely more difficult to get the grade I want. Also, the most annoying thing was finding out that an A-...
The Happiest Student at Vanderbilt: Random Things I’ve Done at Vandy (Christmas Edition!)
Dec. 23, 2015—Thus ends the first semester of my freshman year. I was my high school valedictorian and I failed three tests. I’m so completely ungraceful that I opened a door once and fell over; I learned to swing dance. I would have described myself as an “introvert” before coming to college; I’ve discovered I LOVE people.
The Final Final: Finals Week at Vandy!!!
Dec. 22, 2015—During a stay at Washington University at St. Louis for Multicultural Celebration Weekend, I stayed with six sophomores. As I walked around the dorm, one of them told me that her room reflected the state of her mind. During Finals week, she told me, she couldn’t even see her bed under all the clothes, papers, and books. Horrified, I swore that this would never be me.
Not for the Faint of Heart: Math 2500
Dec. 22, 2015—As I looked around on the first day of class Math 2500: Multivariable Calculus and Linear Algebra, thirty-nine other kids sat in the chairs in the classroom in Stevenson 1. By the time of the final exam, eighteen remained. This is the story of the first semester of the best math class offered in freshman year, called Math 2500, taught by the legend who is Professor Bruce Hughes.
That’s a Wrap!
Dec. 21, 2015—Things have finally wrapped up, and I'm not talking about a to-go order at Chipotle, although that's almost as important. My first semester of college is now officially behind me, but I'll always keep it in the forefront of my mind.
The Five People You Meet During Finals
Dec. 18, 2015—And yes, those are my mechanism-covered whiteboards. I’m very proud of them. They helped me get a good grade in Orgo this semester, although I think they’re less Beautiful Mind and more like that scene in 21 Jump Street where Channing Tatum draws 4s all over the board in his Chemistry class
Sabbath Sundays
Dec. 18, 2015—My roommate and I decided to completely dedicate Sundays back up to God to help refocus our attention on Him amidst busy college life.
Winding Down and Moving Out
Dec. 14, 2015—Finals. Yikes. That may be what you think, but let me tell you, it's not nearly as bad as rumor has it. In fact, staying on top of things allows you to have a lot of fun!
Think Positive
Dec. 13, 2015—Finals week in college is an interesting time. For the first time since August, it feels like everything halts. Maybe that’s a weird way of thinking about it, because the amount of studying that is occurring on this campus right now can in no way be described as a “break.” When I say that campus...
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Dec. 13, 2015—Ah, finals. A season during which you can catch the college student in their most natural state (which, for me, is wearing sweatpants and a T-shirt that’s four sizes too big, hair unwashed, sitting curled up in a coffee shop somewhere as if my appearance is at all socially acceptable and frantically copying notes).