CC: Phi Lamb!
Jul. 15, 2017—"Never have I ever joined an organization that made me feel so immediately welcomed and loved than Phi Lamb."
CC: University Catholic
Jul. 15, 2017—"It was such a relief when I arrived at mass and was greeted by so many people who immediately welcomed me. They met me where I was at in life and really taught me what it meant to be a Christian and experience the Christian joy. After three years, the people in UCat have become some of my best friends and continually push me to be a better person."
Send us yo questions (yo)
Jun. 23, 2017—Email your questions about anything, because we know it all (obviously). :) Even if we don't, we can always find someone who does.
Christian Communities: Coming Soon!
Jun. 23, 2017—A brief, brief summary about the Christian communities and a promise. <3
Math Secrets
Jun. 23, 2017—For the math major and the guy who hates math. Everything you need to know from the master herself.
SAQ: General Music Minor/Performance Minor/Orchestra/Music Service!
Jun. 18, 2017—Everything about taking lessons, being in orchestras, taking part in music service, and pursuing a minor!
SAQ: Should I take GenChem for fun?
Jun. 4, 2017—This is part of a series of me answering emailed questions! So email me, friends!
Be Real. Be Very Real. (The 10th Thing I learned Sophomore Year)
Jun. 4, 2017—Look past that curated Instagram and follow these Tips For Being Real
Literally Everything about Academics (Or, How to Succeed at General Chemistry)
May. 29, 2017—Being real about grades, those people with the detailed excel spreadsheets, The Upperclassmen, and of course, General Chemistry. What would be a post without it?
God, Me, and Vanderbilt (The 11th Thing I Learned Sophomore Year)
May. 15, 2017—God is a crazy being, and life at Vanderbilt has been a roller coaster I never though it would be. Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, regardless of whether you believe in God, you're not sure, or you know for sure that he doesn't exist, I know you know that life is a precious thing. This is what this post is all about.