Guest Blog: Blair Salon Series
May. 1, 2013—At least once a month, Dean Wisclo, the Dean of the Commons who literally lives on the Commons, hosts "Dinner at the Dean's Residence." My friend Matt Lammers, a violinist, thought, why not bring Blair to the Commons? Here's his take on founding an initiative called the "Blair Salon Series":
Study Break: White Water Rafting
Apr. 28, 2013—Typically, a study break from Finals involves going to the Munchie Mart and buying tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream to assuage my woes. However, thanks to a keen eye on Groupon, a dozen of us drove a couple miles out to Ocoee, Tennessee and went white-water rafting.
Inside Blair: Orchestra
Mar. 19, 2013—We are going to embark on a new series called “Inside Blair”, where you’ll find out all you need to know about the Blair School of Music at Vanderbilt University. Let’s start off with the orchestra program.
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Feb. 22, 2013—Last week, Samantha and I braved a journey filled with questioning glances, outright staring, and much laughter as we traversed across campus accompanied by our fondly inanimate friends, the swivel chairs. How did such a bizarre occurrence come about?
Consider Me Inspired
Feb. 13, 2013—Many a time, I pray for inspiration. Sometimes, music majors get down in a funk about practicing, as it seems like there’s no point in sawing away at our expensive, hollowed out pieces of wood and we suffer from a dearth of motivation. But I first encountered Johannes Moser when he performed the Schumann Cello Concerto with the Berlin Philharmonic. On Youtube, that is. That three minute clip was so inspiring that I ran to the practice room and practiced for an hour and a half.
Feb. 6, 2013—College is a time of empowerment. I think at our ages, between 18-22, we truly believe we make a difference So when we support the Children's Hospital with the annual Dance Marathon, when we go to National Coming Out Week events, or broke the world record last year for most vaccine shots in one place in eight hours for the Flulapalooza. And even if Vandy is still growing in its football program, it doesn't mean we can't fill a stadium because we don't have school spirit.
Blair’s Concerto Competition
Jan. 24, 2013—In mid-January, the Blair School of Music hosts its annual Concerto Competition. The stakes? Endless practicing. The prize? A chance to solo with the Vanderbilt Orchestra.
Warranted Wanderlust
Jan. 9, 2013—If I were rushing a sorority this semester, I would have had so much to talk about during rush past the programmed greetings. And that's just one of the perks of travelling internationally over winter break.
Every Day I’m Shuffling
Dec. 24, 2012—On Saturday, they gave us a pre-tour lecture on tips and tricks for China. You probably already know that the water isn't of the greatest quality there, but thinking past that a bit, salads probably are not the healthiest, in terms of being germ-free, option of foods. BYOTP: Bring your own toilet paper. Cars sometimes drive on the sidewalks. When bargaining, aim for a tenth of the price. They also included a handy list of Chinese words to know, such as numbers and common sayings.