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Going to College Out of State

Feb. 6, 2020—I grew up in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, which is about 35 minutes outside of Ann Arbor. The University of Michigan is located in Ann Arbor, and because of the proximity and prestige/reputation of Michigan, almost everyone from my hometown wanted to go to Michigan. I was one of very few people from my high school...

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Cooking on the Meal Plan

Jan. 28, 2020—My older sister graduated from culinary school, and so naturally, cooking is in my blood. However, Vanderbilt requires that all students who live on-campus purchase a meal plan. In an effort to not waste money, I try to cook with groceries that are on the meal plan. We have little stores called Munchie Marts, and...

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5 College Study Tips

Jan. 22, 2020—Vanderbilt is a great place but can be difficult at times, just like any other university. I am now a junior and have learned valuable study tips throughout my time at Vanderbilt. Here are my top 5 study tips for an incoming freshman: Get a planner. In high school, I wrote everything down on my phone...

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A Typical Weekend At Vanderbilt

Jan. 20, 2020—College is filled with many long nights of studying, many hours in the library, many minutes spent in class, and a lot of other stressful events. However, Vanderbilt is not all hard work and stress! You’ve probably seen many movies that make it seem like college is all fun and games, which is definitely not...

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Sorority Recruitment at Vanderbilt

Dec. 6, 2019—It’s that time of the year again. I’m not talking about the holidays, finals, or the first snowfall, but rather, I’m talking about sorority recruitment. Vanderbilt has winter recruitment, which begins right before second semester instead of before first semester like many other universities. This way, freshmen can navigate new coursework, a new state, new...

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What Should I Take My Freshman Year At Vanderbilt?

Dec. 3, 2019—After just choosing classes for my 6th semester at Vanderbilt, I realized that I now know exactly what classes I want to and have to take. Next semester, I am taking two courses for my major, two courses for my minor, and one elective. I now take this knowledge for granted but freshman year, I...

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Vanderbilt Dorms and Housing Options

Nov. 7, 2019—Coming to college, I was concerned about the transition of moving into a dorm room. Was I going to have enough room? What if my roommate snored? What if my bed was uncomfortable? If you have similar concerns, this post is for you! Living on-campus at Vanderbilt for the past three years has been a...

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Medicine, Health & Society Major (MHS)

Oct. 15, 2019—If you’ve done any research on Vanderbilt, you probably know by now that we do not have a public health major. This initially posed a big problem for me because I have always been interested in health, wellness, and the disparities that come with health and medicine. I then discovered the Medicine, Health & Society...

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Vanderbilt Parents’ Weekend

Sep. 24, 2019—The words “parent” and “college student” do not seem to have anything in common. One is responsible and one is broke. One gets sleep and one gets none. One vacuums and one rarely even makes the bed. However, Vanderbilt Parents’ Weekend is one of the most fun weekends of the year. It turns out, parents...

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My Junior Year Living Experience

Sep. 23, 2019—“I have 9 roommates, 5 of which are guys.” Most students at other campuses are very surprised to hear the statement above but at Vanderbilt, this is a unique living option for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I live in a Mayfield, which is a small lodge with 2 floors, 1 kitchen, and a common space....

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