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A quick breather

Dec. 10, 2018—Now that my two hardest finals – biochem and physics – are over, I can take things a bit easier. Though finals week is, by definition, not the most stress-free time of the year, it does not have to be as grueling as some people make it seem. A friend of mine, who is an electrical...

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Things I’m Thankful For

Nov. 29, 2018—It might be week late, but in spirit of Thanksgiving and pre finals szn, I wanted to make a list of what I’m thankful for! Being surrounded by amazing people: Vanderbilt is such an awesome place because it brings so many incredible people together, whether that’s fellow students who become lifelong friends or erudite professors...

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Introducing New Bloggers! 2018-19 edition

Nov. 26, 2018—We just finished our recruitment season for Inside ‘Dores this semester, and we are so excited to introduce some of our newest bloggers to you! Here are 8 of our freshest faces on the blog!: Monica Liu Hometown: Short Hills, NJ Class of: 2021 Major/Minor: HOD with minors in English and Computer Science Favorite On-Campus Activity: Eating...

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Introducing FirstVU

Oct. 1, 2018—Are you a first generation college student? Being a first generation college student encompasses many things, it does not necessarily follow a strict definition. This umbrella term can apply to you in many ways like these: being the first in your family to attend any college (like Anarius) being the first in your family to...

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Back to Black {and Gold}

Aug. 27, 2018—Though I moved in a week ago, and classes started just last Wednesday, it feels like I’ve been at Vandy for a much longer time, while also not realizing how fast it all goes by. At the same time it feels like I’m still at the beginning, but I also feel much more experienced since...

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2 More Weeks!

Aug. 5, 2018—It is August 5th, meaning there are 2 weeks left until move-in (for junior year – wait what? already? dang)! This summer went by kinda fast, but I’ve enjoyed the break from the busy-ness of campus life. Last night, after a grueling total of 28 hours of travel from seeing family in Turkey I am...

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The Power of a Name

Jun. 26, 2018—I won’t lie, there have been days when I’ve waken up and wondered why I decided to go to Vanderbilt. Why did I pick such an academically challenging school? Am I in the right place? Why is pre med so difficult? Why can I not get A’s as easily as I did in high school?...

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Summer Update

May. 29, 2018—It has been nearly a month since finals ended, and I barely know what day it is, which means summer is officially in session. What, you ask, does a Vanderbilt student do over the summer? Many things! Some common activities include, but are not limited to, the following: Internships (paid or unpaid) Research Jobs Study...

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Embodying Diversity: Aditi Thakur

Apr. 18, 2018—Year: Senior Hometown: New Delhi, India Major: Economics I first got to know Aditi through her posts on Inside Dores, and now I have had the privilege of getting to work with her and learn from her experience as a seasoned blogger! She has such great things lying ahead of her after graduation, although we...

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Embodying Diversity: Lackhoney

Mar. 23, 2018—Vanderbilt student by day and rapper/producer by night, Aly Lakhani, better known by his alias LACKHONEY, recently hit 80 thousand monthly listeners on Spotify! He is yet another embodiment of how diverse this campus is, and an example of how hard work and perseverance really do pay off. Talking with him made me see how...

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