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Rachel Friedman ’21

My name is Rachel Friedman, and I am a sophomore in the College of Arts and Sciences. Originally, I am from Bethesda, Maryland which is about 15 minutes outside of Washington, DC. I’m majoring in Mathematics and History with a concentration in American History, but I also enjoy taking political science classes. On campus, I’m involved in the undergraduate student-run newspaper, The Hustler, as well as Greek life, the Vanderbilt Historical Review, and Phi Alpha Delta, the pre-law fraternity. I also love attending the various A Cappella performances and any event with free food! Off campus, I love trying new restaurants and coffee shops around the city, petting puppies at local animal shelters, and checking out the little boutiques all over Nashville. I’m excited to be a blogger for Inside ‘Dores and to share my Vanderbilt experience!

Please reach out to me with any questions about Vanderbilt, my campus life, the college process, or anything else at!

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