November, 2014
I Missed Being a Stereotypical College Student
Nov. 30, 2014—So I just returned from my first time away from Vanderbilt in THREE MONTHS, and let me tell you, it is good to be back. Don’t get me wrong, it was great seeing my friends and family back at home, and even better getting a break from class and tests and essays and homework and...
Thankful for Thanksgiving
Nov. 30, 2014—A few things I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving...
Make New Friends, But Keep the Old
Nov. 29, 2014—My excitement in seeing high school friends has not waned over the years because we share the special bond of having gone through adolescence together, and though there's no denying that our relationships with one another are different, we still get each other. This is why you keep old friends.
7 Questions to Stop Asking Your College Student
Nov. 27, 2014—Upon being home for several days, it has dawned on me that not every conversation back home is created equal. The reality of being home for college students is that there are many acquaintances and high school friends' moms' cousins' aunts to answer to when the barrage of career and education-related questions are inevitably hurled our way. It's good to ask university-folk about what they've been up to, but here are a few things to consider not asking around the dinner table this holiday. Your sleep-deprived college student will thank you.
A Day in NashVegas
Nov. 27, 2014—A Nashville newb discovers the art, music, and fashion that the city offers.
Why I’m Thankful for Vanderbilt Greek Life
Nov. 26, 2014—After going through recruitment at the beginning of my second semester at Vanderbilt, I became a sister of Kappa Kappa Gamma, but this post isn’t titled ‘Why I’m Thankful for Kappa’ for a reason. By the nature of Greek Life at Vanderbilt, Kappa wasn't the be-all and end-all of my experience, and for that I am truly thankful.
An Evening at The Bluebird Café
Nov. 26, 2014—Thankgiving Break Update: falling in love with Nashville's music scene.
A ‘First’ Class Semester
Nov. 26, 2014—As this semester draws to a close—and before the hurricane of finals week arrives—I thought it would be a good idea to tell y'all about my classes at Vanderbilt as well as the amazing professors I have had the pleasure of learning from.