February, 2014
Warren and Moore, Here I Come!
Feb. 11, 2014—Room selection for Moor College Hall at Kissam. As a result of a random lottery, I am the proud resident-to-be of a single in the currently under-construction residence hall at Vanderbilt University. And the best part is that I will still have the option to live at Kissam as a junior and senior.
New Dores on the Block
Feb. 10, 2014—After a last minute scramble due to unforeseen circumstances, Coach Mason was able haul in a total of 22 men to make the greatest decisions of their lives: to attend Vanderbilt University.
A WilSkills-Wonderful Weekend
Feb. 10, 2014—This weekend, I had yet another WilSkills adventure. In a group of eleven, I backpacked the Spence-Russell Loop and part of the AT to Mollie's Field Shelter, a fifteen-mile round-trip. We hiked through rushing mountain streams, through frozen snow and through low clouds. We gave each other nicknames and threw snowballs.
The Culturally Literate
Feb. 10, 2014—My Friday night led me to experience the visual arts, modern dance, an medley of Vanderbilt voices, and a jubilee for the XXII Winter Games. I certainly was inspired by this culture-filled evening!
The Alexander Technique
Feb. 9, 2014—This semester, I am enrolled in a class through the Blair School of Music. Blair is in the back corner of campus, so before this semester, I had really only been inside the building once or twice. I figured there was no time like my last semester to explore a new facet of campus.
Commons Ball
Feb. 8, 2014—Last night, I went on a magical journey to Hogwarts for the Yule Ball. The best part about the Yule Ball was that it was right on Vanderbilt’s campus!
Salvage the Bones
Feb. 7, 2014—Every year, the incoming first-year class is united through a Commons Reading. This summer reading is assigned in hopes to foster a discussion between students during their first few weeks at Vanderbilt
The Dean’s Book Club
Feb. 6, 2014—Since December, I’ve participated in the Dean’s Book Club on two occasions. The first book, a slim volume of poetry called Maybe the Saddest Thing by Marcus Wicker, confused me with its plenitude of hip-hop and pop culture references. There were a few poems, however, that I enjoyed, even though I knew I was missing...
Welcome to Nashville, Steve Aoki
Feb. 5, 2014—If you haven’t heard already, the buzz around campus for the past five days has been all about Steve Aoki!! The incredibly popular DJ was just announced this weekend as one of the headliners for Vanderbilt’s annual Rites of Spring Music Festival, and as one of the members of VPB’s Music Group, I’m so happy I...