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Why I Love Vandy in the Fall Semester

Dec. 18, 2019—With Fall semester officially being over, I’m reminiscing about all the good times. Coming from South Florida, there isn’t much of a seasonal weather change. It pretty much stays warm all year long. So being at Vanderbilt in the fall, with an actual fall season, has been a delightful experience. Spring semester is great, but...

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So You Think You Can Relax?

Nov. 20, 2016—College is stressful, we all know that, but sometimes you have to unwind. Here are some ways I've done exactly that!

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Balancing Your Break!

Nov. 16, 2016—With Thanksgiving Break rapidly approaching (woohoo!!), I’m torn between wanting to use my free time to work ahead on assignments and wanting to relax and catch up with friends and family. On one hand, finals are about to get crazy, and I have three papers due when I get back from break! On the other,...

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Thanksgiving in Dixie

Dec. 7, 2015—One of my favorite things about Vanderbilt (other than, like, eight million other things—including, but not limited to, Grins Nutella paninis, really fat squirrels, and the fact that I’m currently wearing Nike shorts in December) is that we get a full week off for Thanksgiving break. This break comes just about two weeks before finals,...

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A Holiday Guide To ED1

Nov. 25, 2015—Stop stressing and eat pie.

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Life Happens

Nov. 17, 2015—With the Thanksgiving season approaching, there comes to mind not dinner or television but something (or someone) far more wholesome.

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Welcome to Smashville!

Nov. 16, 2015—GO PREDS!

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First Semester Highlights

Dec. 17, 2014—A look back at some of the highlights from my first semester at Vandy

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7 Questions to Stop Asking Your College Student

Nov. 27, 2014—Upon being home for several days, it has dawned on me that not every conversation back home is created equal. The reality of being home for college students is that there are many acquaintances and high school friends' moms' cousins' aunts to answer to when the barrage of career and education-related questions are inevitably hurled our way. It's good to ask university-folk about what they've been up to, but here are a few things to consider not asking around the dinner table this holiday. Your sleep-deprived college student will thank you.

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The Suite Life of Chaffin 115

Nov. 25, 2014—It's the Thanksgiving season, so I thought I might write a little about how thankful I am for my suities. The formation of our suite came together rather haphazardly, mostly because we had never all met each other before, but now we are lovely, wonderful friends. Feasting together during our suitie blunches, which is like a brunch except with more of a lunch feel, the four of us have become a close quartet of housemates.

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