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‘Student Life’

What I Learned by Almost Sleeping Through a Midterm

Feb. 17, 2019—I woke up at 9:39 AM to the sound of pounding on my door. Class had started at 9:35 and it was the day of our first Country Music midterm. The next six minutes were a blur. In that time, I managed to put on a hoodie, grab my backpack, rush down a few flights...

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Vanderbilt’s Professional Business Fraternities

Jan. 12, 2019—Vanderbilt is home to many dedicated students with an interest in business but we do not have a business school. I am interested in pursuing a career in the health business industry but I have found that not having a business school is actually an advantage because it has given me the opportunity to explore...

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Things I’m Thankful For

Nov. 29, 2018—It might be week late, but in spirit of Thanksgiving and pre finals szn, I wanted to make a list of what I’m thankful for! Being surrounded by amazing people: Vanderbilt is such an awesome place because it brings so many incredible people together, whether that’s fellow students who become lifelong friends or erudite professors...

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Introducing New Bloggers! – Part Two

Nov. 27, 2018—Inside ‘Dores just finished recruiting new student bloggers. Deniz and I are very excited to introduce them to you through this two-part post since we have a total of 16 new student bloggers! Here are the last eight:   Name: Zoë Browne Hometown: Westerville, OH Class: 2020 Major(s)/Minor(s): Special Education and Child Development Favorite on-campus...

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My Junior Year Bucket List

Oct. 22, 2018—Being halfway through my time at Vanderbilt has caused me to really think about what I’d like to do before I graduate with a renewed sense of urgency (only 2 years to do it all!). So, both for the sake of documenting my bucket list for myself and to give you all a sense of...

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Life as a First Generation College Student

Oct. 14, 2018—Hey everyone! My name is Toby, and I’m a first generation sophomore student here at Vandy. I am in Peabody College, studying child development and Psychology. Outside of class, I work as an undergraduate research assistant in the Little Learner’s Lab, am secretary of our first-year Honor Societies (Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma),...

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Oct. 2, 2018—  Every year, Vanderbilt hosts an event called “Flulapalooza!” From 6 AM to 6 PM, Vanderbilt vaccinates as many current students, faculty, and staff as they possibly can for absolutely free. Flulapalooza began in 2011 as a way for Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) to test its mass emergency vaccination plan. Therefore, it is only...

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Introducing FirstVU

Oct. 1, 2018—Are you a first generation college student? Being a first generation college student encompasses many things, it does not necessarily follow a strict definition. This umbrella term can apply to you in many ways like these: being the first in your family to attend any college (like Anarius) being the first in your family to...

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Back to Black {and Gold}

Aug. 27, 2018—Though I moved in a week ago, and classes started just last Wednesday, it feels like I’ve been at Vandy for a much longer time, while also not realizing how fast it all goes by. At the same time it feels like I’m still at the beginning, but I also feel much more experienced since...

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Vanderbilt’s Neuroscience Major

Mar. 30, 2018—Before coming to college, I had known that I wanted to study the brain. As a result, I chose to pursue the neuroscience major at Vanderbilt, despite not having much experience taking similar classes in high school. Neuroscience seems to be a college-specific line of coursework in many cases, so I wanted to provide some...

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