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‘residential life’

Room Tour: Highland Quad Four-Person Suite

Feb. 26, 2018—Welcome to a virtual tour of my suite! I am a sophomore living in a four-person suite on Highland Quad, which is where many upperclassmen live. It is at a convenient location right across from the rec center, next to the Blair School of Music, across from Vanderbilt Medical Center, and about a 10-minute walk...

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Summer Recap: My Time in Copenhagen

Aug. 23, 2017—Earlier this year, I posted about my application process for summer study abroad programs, and this summer, I was lucky enough to be accepted into the Danish Institute for Study Abroad (DIS) to take classes in Copenhagen for six weeks. While I was in Copenhagen, I took two classes: The Meaning of Style and Children...

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Housing 101

Apr. 12, 2017—With room selection in full swing for current students here at Vanderbilt, the memories of selecting roommates and preparing to live in a dorm community flooded mine and my friends’ minds. Out of our close circle of friends, six are living in a suite in Kissam, a dorm acclaimed for its fantastic food selection and...

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The Truth about Move-In

Mar. 15, 2017—Personally, I remember every moment of Move-In Day. This is not because it was traumatic or because it was underwhelming. I remember every detail simply because I was overwhelmed, terrified, yet excited at the same time. I remember driving into the parking lot and anxiously sitting next to the hot pink flags that represented Crawford...

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Warren and Moore, Here I Come!

Feb. 11, 2014—Room selection for Moor College Hall at Kissam. As a result of a random lottery, I am the proud resident-to-be of a single in the currently under-construction residence hall at Vanderbilt University. And the best part is that I will still have the option to live at Kissam as a junior and senior.

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Man-I’ve-Been-Bad-at-Pacing-These-This-Semester Monday, Part 1

Dec. 9, 2013—Sorry for the sudden overload of my sunshine-y voice on the blog, but I just want to get a few more in before the semester ends! Here are some of my thoughts on why Vanderbilt’s first-year Commons experience is so significant and wonderful.

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Nashville is Growing!

Nov. 20, 2012—This year, I live in the Carmichael Towers right on West End allll the way up on the top floor.  The 14th floor (or the “Penthouse” as my friends and I jokingly refer to it) has given me a great view of the city of Nashville this year, and if there’s one thing I’ve noticed...

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Mother Hen

Mar. 12, 2010—As a resident adviser, I feel like my girls are my chicks and that I am the mother hen.  It has truly been a pleasure watching them get plugged into the Vanderbilt community. During late January and early February, I had the pleasure of getting lunch, dinner or coffee with each of my residents.  Talking...

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