Housing 101
Apr. 12, 2017—With room selection in full swing for current students here at Vanderbilt, the memories of selecting roommates and preparing to live in a dorm community flooded mine and my friends’ minds. Out of our close circle of friends, six are living in a suite in Kissam, a dorm acclaimed for its fantastic food selection and...
The Epic Airplane Saga
Nov. 26, 2013—“Houston, we have a problem.” At least, that is what I was thinking yesterday.
Registering From Abroad, Part 1: Housing
Apr. 24, 2013—When planning to go abroad for this semester, I was worried about lots of things. What do I pack? What will the other students be like? WIll I actually have free time to travel around Europe? How hard will my classes be? Am I going to catch my flights? But I can’t say that I...
Nashville is Growing!
Nov. 20, 2012—This year, I live in the Carmichael Towers right on West End allll the way up on the top floor. The 14th floor (or the “Penthouse” as my friends and I jokingly refer to it) has given me a great view of the city of Nashville this year, and if there’s one thing I’ve noticed...