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Last set of classes of undergrad!

Jan. 8, 2020—I’ll be honest, it was actually kind of difficult finalizing which classes I would take this semester. I finished all of my requirements, so I had a lot of freedom in deciding what to take. The hardest part was narrowing them down to fit 12 credit hours. All the classes I’ll be in this semester...

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Done with finals!

Dec. 14, 2019—My penultimate finals season is officially over! This was one of the most chill finals seasons I’ve had, but it sure feels nice to be relaxing at home now instead of having to worry about school for a few weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed my last fall semester at Vandy and I’m looking forward to next...

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Research Updates

Oct. 20, 2019—A cornerstone of my college career has been doing research in the Affective Neuroscience Laboratory here at Vanderbilt. I primarily do statistics research related to behavioral and neuroimaging data in the lab, and have come a long way since my first semester there my sophomore year. I began my research working with data from the...

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“They Answer I Present”: Why Vanderbilt (Part 2)

Oct. 11, 2019—I have pondered the question “Why Vanderbilt” on various occasions. When I was an applicant, I read the information on Vanderbilt’s website to formulate my answer. After I received the acceptance letter, I reviewed my answer and added new elements to it. Right before coming to Nashville, I talked with a family friend who graduated...

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“They Answer I Present”: Why Vanderbilt (Part 1)

Oct. 10, 2019—Happy October! Since it is the college application season now, many applicants may ponder the question “Why Vanderbilt.” Some applicants may be interested in current Vanderbilt students’ answers to this important question, so I want to start a series of posts focusing on “Why Vanderbilt.”As I promised to bring others in my blog, I interviewed...

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Senior Schedule Semester 1!

Aug. 28, 2019—Now that I’ve been to all of my classes at least once, my schedule is finalized. Keep reading to see what my class schedule looks like as a 1st-semester senior! I must say, this is my most academically relaxed semester since coming to college because I had to front-load many of my rigorous courses. 12...

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Nashville in the Summer

Aug. 9, 2019—Happy August! Sadly, school is about to start again for me and many of you guys, too! However, I’m excited to be returning to Vanderbilt for my fourth, and final, year. I currently have a lot of mixed feelings about my senior year, which I will try to formulate into a blog post later. On...

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My Plans for the Summer

Apr. 28, 2019—Now that the year is winding down, and finals season is coming to a slow end, I’ve pretty much figured out my plans for the summer. Unfortunately, they’re not very exciting, nor are they terribly unique. But, here they are:   1. Taking Organic Chemistry at a local university. Rather than taking Gen Chem with...

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Using Your Resources

Apr. 7, 2019—One of the great things about being a Vanderbilt student is the plethora of academic, extracurricular, and personal resources available to students. We’re only here for a limited amount of time, so using of all of the services offered is paramount. Here are some of the resources I’ve been able to take advantage of that...

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Why Peabody?

Mar. 24, 2019—“What’s the deal with Peabody?” “How manageable is your course load?” “Are all Peabody students future teachers?” Being a ‘Dore for a Day host and a writer for this blog, I get asked these sorts of questions a lot. So I’m here to answer some of them for you guys! Peabody is one of my...

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