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2 More Weeks!

Aug. 5, 2018—It is August 5th, meaning there are 2 weeks left until move-in (for junior year – wait what? already? dang)! This summer went by kinda fast, but I’ve enjoyed the break from the busy-ness of campus life. Last night, after a grueling total of 28 hours of travel from seeing family in Turkey I am...

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A Weekend to End All Weekends

Oct. 21, 2014—A prominent 20th century philosopher once said, "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get". It's also pretty sweet. This weekend, though extraordinary, was not out of the ordinary. Every weekend takes me along for an unexpected ride, one that always manages to showcase many of the diverse facets of Vandy life. Join me as we experience the sights and sounds that this one particular trip took me through.

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Tebow Time

Dec. 12, 2013—Here we go. 4 exams down, 1 more to go. Its the fourth quarter, time to close out exam week with a W. It's Tebow Time.

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Declaring your major!

Dec. 7, 2013—Even though I still had an entire semester to ponder the heavy, eternal life questions (which include but are unfortunately not limited to, “What am I going to do after I graduate?”) and declare a major (it has to happen before spring break of your sophomore year) I decided, earlier this semester, to seize the...

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Chin Up, Anchor Down

Sep. 17, 2013—Luckily I have yet to succumb to the sophomore slump, and looking back at the last month or so, I actually could not be happier to be back in this place of intellectual and social vitality, where racial appropriation in the latest pop music video is typical breakfast conversation, and long nights are trekked in...

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Space is Awesome

Aug. 14, 2012—If you care about space at all, the past week or so has been a magical time (and if you don’t care about space at all, stop reading my blog right now. Seriously). Now, reader, I can hear you objecting to this whole article: “Nathan, your blog is supposed to make me love Vanderbilt!” Well....

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Physics Phun (Sorry, I had to do it)

May. 21, 2012—I’ve been meaning to blog for the last week or so, but I’ve been so busy that I kept forgetting. I know you’re wondering why I’m so busy, so let me tell you about my summer plans:

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