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Done with finals!

Dec. 14, 2019—My penultimate finals season is officially over! This was one of the most chill finals seasons I’ve had, but it sure feels nice to be relaxing at home now instead of having to worry about school for a few weeks. I thoroughly enjoyed my last fall semester at Vandy and I’m looking forward to next...

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What Is New in My Vanderbilt Life

Sep. 20, 2019—Happy Fall 2019 everyone! My summer break was rejuvenating. I watched TV dramas and movies in a wide range of topics from all over the world. I believe doing so is relaxing and beneficial to my writing. Besides, I read books relevant to Asian Studies, spent wonderful time with family and friends, and visited multiple...

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Wonderful Moments in March

Mar. 31, 2019—After the rejuvenating spring break, school days in March have been fruitful. I talked with friends and shared fun stories about the break. With respect to academics, I finished several exams and designed a bilingual doll for a toy project. At the end of March, I hope to recap some lovely moments of the month....

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The A-Z’s of Vanderbilt Part I

Feb. 9, 2019—Are you interested in taking a sneak peek of Vanderbilt? Here is part one of my glossary, A to F, about areas of study, buildings, student organizations, campus events, and beyond! Asian Studies Let’s begin the tour with my major. The Department of Asian Studies is located in Buttrick Hall. As an interdisciplinary program, Asian...

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2 More Weeks!

Aug. 5, 2018—It is August 5th, meaning there are 2 weeks left until move-in (for junior year – wait what? already? dang)! This summer went by kinda fast, but I’ve enjoyed the break from the busy-ness of campus life. Last night, after a grueling total of 28 hours of travel from seeing family in Turkey I am...

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Spring Classes

Jan. 28, 2018—The spring semester has been off to a great start! I am a bit late in posting about my classes, but nevertheless, here is a my schedule for the next few months! Intro to Archaeology (ANTH 1201W): Mondays and Wednesdays 8:45-10:00 am Mainly taking this class for the writing requirement, and the fact that it...

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7 Days of Blogging: Fall 2017 Class Recap

Nov. 18, 2017—Happy (almost) Thanksgiving everyone! Partially as an exercise in gratitude and partially because I have an abundant amount of free time being home this week, I’m going to write one blog post a day for the next week in honor of my favorite place: Vandy! Before I start looking forward, I thought I’d take a...

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A little bit of France, A little bit of Pictionary

Apr. 10, 2014—My French professor hosted a dinner at her house! Pictionary was played. Hilarity ensued.

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But But But I’m Not Ready To Go Home

Apr. 1, 2014—Heather complains, makes more bad puns, and mentions something about puppies.

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A French Concert, Oh Là Là!

Mar. 27, 2014—This evening I had the delightful experience of attending a concert at Sarratt Cinema with my French 102 class, including my professor and her husband. The feature was Genticorum, a three-man band from Québec.

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