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Vandy Dorm Life

Dec. 17, 2019—I promised I would do a post on my suite in my previous post, so here it is! Vanderbilt has a wide variety of options for students to live on campus and it does an especially good job of helping freshmen transition into college life. All freshmen are randomly placed in one of the ten...

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Welcoming the Class of 2023

Sep. 1, 2019—If you know me in the slightest, you know that I spend a great deal of my time at Vanderbilt thinking about the first-year experience and how to improve it. That is why I’m involved with VUcept, our first-year mentorship program on campus. Every year, VUceptors help new students orient themselves to campus when they...

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Leaving Commons

May. 5, 2019—Freshman year has come to an end and I’m grateful for all the experiences I’ve had this past year. From seeing Beyoncé with the rest of the class of 2022 to moving out of Commons, where first-year students live. I’ll be living on Highland next year and these are just a few things I’ll miss...

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The Best On-Campus Vanderbilt Meals

Feb. 10, 2019—At Vanderbilt, you get 3 meals/day your first year and then it decreases to 2 meals/day as the default meal plan for your second year with the option to modify it to your liking. If you only have 2 meals/day like me, it’s important to use your meals wisely. Here are my breakfast, lunch, and, dinner...

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Advice for Move-In 2018

Aug. 12, 2018—Hello everyone! I hope that summer has treated you well and that you are gearing up for the school year ahead. As I prepare to move in to Vanderbilt for the third year in a row, I thought I would share some advice for those of you joining us in the Class of 2022 this...

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A Peek Into The Commons Experience

Apr. 9, 2018—The most important part of your college experience isn’t getting all A’s on all of your assignments or getting involved in every single club your school has to offer, but is finding your home and feeling comfortable on your campus. Vanderbilt strives to make this process as easy as possible for first-year students, as the...

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My Favorite Classes at Vandy

Dec. 3, 2017—With my third semester winding down and a lot of requirements for AXLE, my major, and premed out of the way, I wanted to share some of my favorite classes I have taken so far. So, without further ado, here they are: American Popular Music: I decided to take this class solely to fulfill the American...

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7 Days of Blogging: All About VUcept and Visions

Nov. 19, 2017—Now that I’ve talked about my classes this semester, I thought I’d share with you all about one of the most meaningful experiences I’ve had the chance to have since coming to Vanderbilt: being a VUceptor! For those of you who are unaware, VUceptors are peer mentors who lead Vanderbilt’s orientation program called Vanderbilt Visions,...

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What’s an RA?

Oct. 21, 2017—Official definition of RA: Resident Advisor; a student typically responsible for supervising and assisting fellow students in a dorm Better definition of RA: some of the best people you’ll get to interact with, someone to be a friend and mentor Especially this semester, I’ve enjoyed making friends with RA’s in my dorm and realized how cool...

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Things I Learned After One Year at Vandy

May. 9, 2017—You’re going to study a lot more than you ever did, but then you’ll have more fun than you ever did The laundry room is an unexpected but great place to make friends It’s ok to not end up best friends with your roommate Ask for cracked eggs in the commons omelette line But if...

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