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‘casino night’

Gambling, Women, and Refugees

Feb. 5, 2017—You might be wondering what merits such a click-bait title — I assure you, one month here deserves far more attention and detail than I am able to provide, but these are some of the most exciting and heart-warming events I have witnessed since I have been on campus for my fourth semester! First on...

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Campus Events!

Feb. 16, 2014—When I was a freshman, I loved going to the events that Vanderbilt sponsored. As an upperclassman, I have less time to go to these because I'm busier, working, and have greater access to off campus events. That means that I enjoy them all the more, though! Last weekend, I got to go to two such events--Casino night sponsored by the Vanderbilt Programming Board, and movie of the month from the Student Government...

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Casino Night!

Jan. 23, 2011—Friday night was the VPB (Vanderbilt Programming Board) sponsored “Casino Night” in the Student Life Center. For all of us that wanted some good clean fun to partake in, the SLC ballroom hired a casino staff to run dozens of tables where students could play roulette, craps, backjack and texas hold ’em. They even had...

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