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My Career Plans

Feb. 17, 2020—As you will know if you’ve read my other posts, I am a neuroscience and psychology double major planning on attending medical school next year. I thought I would briefly discuss my future career plans so that you can understand how my time at Vanderbilt and beyond fits into the larger picture.   Broadly, my...

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“They Answer I Present”: Why Vanderbilt (Part 1)

Oct. 10, 2019—Happy October! Since it is the college application season now, many applicants may ponder the question “Why Vanderbilt.” Some applicants may be interested in current Vanderbilt students’ answers to this important question, so I want to start a series of posts focusing on “Why Vanderbilt.”As I promised to bring others in my blog, I interviewed...

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Why I Chose Vanderbilt

Mar. 6, 2017—One question I get asked a lot is, “Why did you choose to fly across the country to attend Vandy?” Granted, this question is pretty valid because I live in sunny California, and I’m infamous for disliking precipitation of any kind. However, I’ve gotten used to my umbrella and rain boots, because Vanderbilt has allowed...

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Chin Up, Anchor Down

Sep. 17, 2013—Luckily I have yet to succumb to the sophomore slump, and looking back at the last month or so, I actually could not be happier to be back in this place of intellectual and social vitality, where racial appropriation in the latest pop music video is typical breakfast conversation, and long nights are trekked in...

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Don’t be Tempted by the Candy Drawer (and other things I learned at my summer internship)

Aug. 6, 2013—At this point in my academic career, I like to think of myself as an internship veteran. I have just finished my second college internship since starting at Vanderbilt, and with this vast experience, I have acquired knowledge I want to share with POSTERITY. For those who are hands-on learners like me, what are you waiting for? Go get yourself an internship!

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Educational Psychology

May. 9, 2012—For my Educational Psychology class this past semester, we could pretty much do anything that we wanted for our final project.  Our professor suggested that we use our future careers as inspiration, with the only requirements being that it had to have seven to nine sections and it had to be related back to Educational...

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