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Midterm Madness

Feb. 25, 2013—Midterms are upon us! In the coming week, I’m sure you’ll hear a great (and valid) amount about the trials and tribulations of midterm examinations, pontifications and dissertations on Westernization, and other such things. I’m beating the rest of Inside ‘Dores to the punch, however – my midterm week came early, and it was a...

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The Grind

Oct. 9, 2012—So, the number of blog drafts I have sitting on WordPress from mid-August when school began is a little embarrassing. I had every intention of posting updates on the first week of classes, Inside ‘Dores training, Melodores auditions, and a cornucopia of other beginning-of-year types of things. Fear not, reader, for I will deliver, albeit...

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Running Your Problems Away

May. 3, 2012—Last Saturday (April 28th), I ran my first half-marathon! Nashville is home to the Rock n Roll Nashville Marathon (which benefits St. Jude’s) each spring, and a small group of ROTC cadets, myself included, volunteered to run on behalf of the department.

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ASB: “A Day in the Life” in San Juan, Texas

Mar. 20, 2012—This is a little blurb about one of my best spring break experiences in my life. I participated in an organization called Alternate Spring Break (ASB) where students travel to different sites domestically and abroad to engage in a week of service. This is definitely a longer blog, but it doesn't even cover HALF the things I wanted to say about this great organization. If you are interested in learning about a unique way to spend your spring break during your time at Vanderbilt (because you should come to Vandy!), then read on!

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Feb. 28, 2012—As the short winter here begins to fade and we start to get some random 75 and sunny days–typical of Nashville in the springtime–students start to anticipate the announcement of the Rites of Spring lineup….And I’m happy to announce that it’s OUT!!

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