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Using Your Resources

Apr. 7, 2019—One of the great things about being a Vanderbilt student is the plethora of academic, extracurricular, and personal resources available to students. We’re only here for a limited amount of time, so using of all of the services offered is paramount. Here are some of the resources I’ve been able to take advantage of that...

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WRVU Radio and YOU!

Dec. 4, 2015—A quick synopsis of what is really going on in the WRVU Radio community

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Why I’m Totally Ready to be Back at Vanderbilt

Mar. 7, 2015—Don't get me wrong, every season in Nashville has its winning traits. However, I have an especially great feeling about my first Spring here. Read on to find out why!

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Man-I’ve-Been-Bad-at-Pacing-These-This-Semester Monday, Part 1

Dec. 9, 2013—Sorry for the sudden overload of my sunshine-y voice on the blog, but I just want to get a few more in before the semester ends! Here are some of my thoughts on why Vanderbilt’s first-year Commons experience is so significant and wonderful.

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No-Nathan November

Dec. 2, 2013—That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. William Shakespeare wrote fondly of autumn, as did many other very accomplished and eloquent poets. None, however, described autumn with...

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A Bodacious Break

Nov. 24, 2013—What better way to get back into the swing of blogging than to leave Vanderbilt? I jest, but this one is coming to you from Oak Ridge, TN, as I begin my Thanksgiving break mere miles from the site of yesterday’s football victory over UT, denying UT a bowl game for a second year in...

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Soaking up the Sunshine…

Sep. 16, 2013—Nashville is squeezing every last degree of summer warmth for outdoor recreational purposes. Here's to giggling at the Marx brothers, thanks to Belcourt Theatre's outdoor feature, and chomping on kettle corn with the fairies--and almost choking on it from laughing so hard--at Shakespeare in the Park's production of Midsummer Night's Dream!

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The Write Stuff

Apr. 15, 2013—Before I admit that this super creative title was actually stolen from the company that made school supply packs for my elementary school, I have to apologize for not getting anything up here in a while. I’ve been SUPER busy with a whole bunch of things, including, but not limited to: doing my Econ homework,...

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Why everyone should go to a Preds Game

Apr. 7, 2013—I'm not really a sports person, but here is why I think everyone should attend Predators game at least once!

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Class of 2017 – What Will You Be?

Apr. 1, 2013—So, you’re in. Congratulations! You’ve overcome some of the toughest admissions odds in the nation to earn that shiny brochure and the acceptance letter you’ll hold onto for your scrapbook (if you’re into scrapbooking). Now that you’ve scaled that mountain, though, and the path to Vanderbilt is fully paved ahead of you… why come?

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