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‘a cappella’

Masala SACE’s Diwali ~ Festival of Lights

Nov. 26, 2011—On November 5 this year, Vanderbilt’s South Asian Cultural Exchange group Masala-SACE put on their annual Diwali performance.

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I Love Variations

Nov. 2, 2011—You know when you’re just having a rough week and all you need is a little break to renew your spirits?  I found my secret weapon for getting through a busy schedule.

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Aug. 26, 2011—Every year, to conclude the first week of classes, Vanderbilt students put on Spotlight, a showcase of Vanderbilt student performing arts. The show just ended and it was unbelievable!

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American Music Recital

Apr. 11, 2011—As you may have noticed before, I go to a lot of Blair concerts. I’m really not that cultured in the arts, it’s just that my roommate and one of my best friends are in Blair, so I’ve met a bunch of cool people from there or Spirit of Gold (the marching band).

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ICCA and Lessons Learned

Mar. 20, 2011—This weekend, the Melodores traveled to the University of South Carolina to compete in the Semifinal round of ICCA. Fellow Melodore Seth Johnson wrote an article about the previous quarterfinal round at UGA, but I thought I’d beat him to the punch by posting tonight.

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Let’s catch up!

Mar. 18, 2011—As I’ve been thrown right back into school after spring break, I’ve neglected to share a lot of pre-spring break events here! Here are a few things I went to that were awesome–and keep an eye out for my upcoming post on the mission trip I went on over Spring Break!

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Why You Should Want to be a Musician at Vanderbilt

Dec. 16, 2010—So on Sunday night, the Trans Siberian Orchestra came to play the Bridgestone arena downtown. TSO asked for a few strings players in the southeast that would be available to play for a few gigs..and a friend of mine from music theory class was recommended by someone that knew him and knew the TSO. Yea…short...

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The Melodores…Go on Tour!

Oct. 20, 2010—This past weekend the Vanderbilt Melodores acapella group traveled to my hometown (Apex, NC) for a tour of the Raleigh/Durham area. After a long but eventful 10 hour drive to North Carolina on Thursday, we settled in at my house and practiced a bit after dinner. During the day on Friday we performed at my...

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