Studying Category
On Transferring
May. 3, 2013—Accepted to Vanderbilt as a transfer student? Undecided? Look no further...
Finals-Scotland Style.
May. 2, 2013—Hello hello! While my fellow bloggers are all posting about being done with finals and starting their summers, I still have a long way to go! That is because the UK academic system is much different than what we are accustomed to in the states. At Vanderbilt (and like most US colleges), you have 15...
Remaining Calm.
Apr. 30, 2013—If you haven't figured it out yet, it's finals week here at Vandy, and remaining calm is a test of its own! Thankfully the worst is over--I just have one final left (and it's the only actual sit-down final that I of course it's on the last day!) in Formal Logic. In the meantime, I've been doing lots of fun things as study breaks and to cope with the stresses.
Moving Up in the World
Apr. 29, 2013—In three days, I will be closing up my Sophomore year and prepare to take the next step of college: Junior year. A small step up in the scheme of things but a move up nonetheless. Next year will be especially important in that I will be preparing for the actual next big step in...
Study Break: White Water Rafting
Apr. 28, 2013—Typically, a study break from Finals involves going to the Munchie Mart and buying tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream to assuage my woes. However, thanks to a keen eye on Groupon, a dozen of us drove a couple miles out to Ocoee, Tennessee and went white-water rafting.
Registering From Abroad, Part 1: Housing
Apr. 24, 2013—When planning to go abroad for this semester, I was worried about lots of things. What do I pack? What will the other students be like? WIll I actually have free time to travel around Europe? How hard will my classes be? Am I going to catch my flights? But I can’t say that I...
Holi Moly!
Apr. 18, 2013—When I get stressed about school, I like to take a short study break. So I decided to participate in Holi, the Indian color festival.
Group Presentations Galore
Apr. 18, 2013—I'm a science major, so I'm used to your average "four tests and a final" grading system. This semester, I was thrown for a bit of a loop when I learned I would have group presentations in three of my four classes.
Mar. 28, 2013—The excitement is tangible, dear readers, as acceptance letters have gone out to regular decision applicants this past Monday. You might think this doesn't affect the general population here at Vanderbilt or that we current students are long past the world of admissions and don't keep up with the news--but oh how wrong you'd be!
It’s that anticipatory time of year!
Mar. 20, 2013—I have always been one of those students who loved planning. There's something comforting about sorting numerous subcategories into an overall compartmentalized unit. Or maybe I'm slightly OCD and Type A. ;) Regardless, now is the time of year where people like me get to excitedly plan out their summers, next year accommodations, and future classes...