Extracurriculars Category
Alternative Winter Break
Dec. 8, 2013—In about a week, finals will be over and students will be heading home for winter break. Instead of going home, I will be spending the first week of the holidays on Alternative Winter Break (AWB)!
3W’s, Kendrick Lamar, Gatlinburg and Getting Paid
Dec. 8, 2013—Third time’s a charm, or so they say, and in the case of my third semester at Vandy, ‘they’ couldn’t be more right.
The Great TAP THATsby
Dec. 8, 2013—This semester I have had the grand opportunity of participating in a new tap dancing organization at Vanderbilt called Tap That!, and boy oh boy has it been fun. I have been tap dancing since age 3, and while I am not quite as precious as 1996 Samantha, it still pumps me up to lace up my tap shoes and impress friends and family by moving my feet REAL fast.
Good Morning, We’re Your Tour Guides
Dec. 7, 2013—Giving tours is one of my favorite things to do on campus. Not only do I get a chance to stand in front of a crowd of prospective students and their parents and younger siblings (and sometimes their uncles, cousins, and grandparents) and tell them all the ways in which Vanderbilt is the awesome school...
Fall Fun Recap
Dec. 6, 2013—Fall is my favorite season for so many years. It marks amazing weather (70 and clear skies = ecstatic me), beautiful nature (The trees, people. Flawless), and fall time adventures. As part of this reflective blog post, I want to tell you guys about a few of my favorite fall semester traditions
Blogging with the Stars
Dec. 6, 2013—In case you didn't know, my fellow bloggers are super stars. On Wednesday evening, I had the fantastic opportunity to witness not one or two but THREE of my fellow bloggers in various performances on campus.
ED1 Anxiety Attacks
Dec. 4, 2013—I know you early decision-ers are freaking out, and I am here to tell you to stop it.
No-Nathan November
Dec. 2, 2013—That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. William Shakespeare wrote fondly of autumn, as did many other very accomplished and eloquent poets. None, however, described autumn with...
The Performances Will Rock
Dec. 1, 2013—This last week of school is going to be crazy with all of the exams that are cropping up, but it will also be a performance-seeker's dream come true! All the groups on campus are pushed into performing during these few days, packing our last week of classes with excellent displays of how talented Vanderbilt students can be...
Diwali: Round 4
Nov. 29, 2013—Diwali at Vanderbilt is definitely one of my favorite annual traditions, and I'm definitely going to miss the late nights and inside jokes that result every year.