Service Category
No-Nathan November
Dec. 2, 2013—That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. William Shakespeare wrote fondly of autumn, as did many other very accomplished and eloquent poets. None, however, described autumn with...
Running Buddy
Nov. 21, 2013—“You have a nose ring?” “Yeah,” I replied, surprised at these first words from my running buddy. Other girls were hugging, introducing themselves and high-fiving. She was overweight. She was struggling to clip in one of the strands of fake, neon-blue hair given to each of the girls, and she did not want to run...
Trick or Treat with Greeks and Athletes
Nov. 5, 2013—Halloween is already a great holiday since it involves so much candy, but throw in cute kids in costumes and you've got the perfect night.
More Fun Than I Thought Possible: Fall SPOTS (Part 1)
Oct. 23, 2013—Students do a whole host of things during fall break. A few stay put on campus, some go home, and others go on fun short trips. This year I finally joined some of my good friends on the annual Fall SPOTS trip!
A window into the Future
Oct. 3, 2013—My experiences shadowing a Physician at the Vanderbilt Medical Center
Blood, Sweat, and Tears (Minus the Sweat and Tears)
Oct. 1, 2013—I'm not quite sure how it happened, but since coming to Vandy, giving blood has become one of my favorite pastimes. Savin' lives left and right; you can't stop me. This is probably the most bizarre confession I've ever made, but hey, is there an easier act of service than sitting in a comfy chair, sipping Sprite while nice nurses take fluids out of your arm?
My 09/11 weekend of service!
Sep. 20, 2013—I’ve been at Vanderbilt for about a month now, and things are going from good to great to incredibly awesome! I’ve been enjoying my time juggling two majors and a social life, and after a month at Vandy, it was time to give back to the community! In the memory of all the people we lost...
“I Will” Weekend of Service
Sep. 16, 2013—For the past few years, Vanderbilt has sponsored a weekend of service in honor of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Organizations set up events in the Nashville community to help others and students all across campus sign up to join (even if they aren't in that organization).
Friday I’m In Love
Sep. 15, 2013—Who said Friday the 13th is automatically a terrible day? Whoever it was, I have proved them wrong and avoided the supposedly inevitable bad luck.