General Information Category
Introducing New Bloggers! – Part Two
Nov. 27, 2018—Inside ‘Dores just finished recruiting new student bloggers. Deniz and I are very excited to introduce them to you through this two-part post since we have a total of 16 new student bloggers! Here are the last eight: Name: Zoë Browne Hometown: Westerville, OH Class: 2020 Major(s)/Minor(s): Special Education and Child Development Favorite on-campus...
Introducing New Bloggers! 2018-19 edition
Nov. 26, 2018—We just finished our recruitment season for Inside ‘Dores this semester, and we are so excited to introduce some of our newest bloggers to you! Here are 8 of our freshest faces on the blog!: Monica Liu Hometown: Short Hills, NJ Class of: 2021 Major/Minor: HOD with minors in English and Computer Science Favorite On-Campus Activity: Eating...
What It Means to Anchor Down
Nov. 19, 2018—College, much like life, is overwhelming. So much gets thrown at you in the first few months! You have to drag yourself to meals, meet and live with hundreds of new strangers, and figure out how to pass Gen Chem – all without your parents. It’s so easy to get thrown off balance and feel...
A Day in the Life
Nov. 9, 2018—As fall semester continues on, I wanted to update you all on my life as of late. And what better way to do that than to walk you through a day in my life. So, without further ado, here’s how I spent my Monday this week! I wake up in the morning around 7:30,...
Homecoming 2018
Oct. 29, 2018—Homecoming was roughly two weeks ago, but I definitely had an exciting weekend. Here’s a recap of Homecoming 2018 at Vandy! On Monday, Vanderbilt Programming Board hosted Daymond John from Shark Tank in an evening speaking event. The event was completely free, and he gave very inspiring advice about how to successfully achieve your...
My Junior Year Bucket List
Oct. 22, 2018—Being halfway through my time at Vanderbilt has caused me to really think about what I’d like to do before I graduate with a renewed sense of urgency (only 2 years to do it all!). So, both for the sake of documenting my bucket list for myself and to give you all a sense of...
Life as a First Generation College Student
Oct. 14, 2018—Hey everyone! My name is Toby, and I’m a first generation sophomore student here at Vandy. I am in Peabody College, studying child development and Psychology. Outside of class, I work as an undergraduate research assistant in the Little Learner’s Lab, am secretary of our first-year Honor Societies (Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma),...
Vanderbilt and the SEC
Oct. 11, 2018—Recently, I was speaking with a friend about why she chose to attend Vanderbilt. She gave an answer that I really hadn’t thought of before- she liked the sports scene that Vandy had to offer. While I was initially confused about this statement (especially as I’m not the most athletic or sports-oriented person), reflecting on...
Oct. 2, 2018— Every year, Vanderbilt hosts an event called “Flulapalooza!” From 6 AM to 6 PM, Vanderbilt vaccinates as many current students, faculty, and staff as they possibly can for absolutely free. Flulapalooza began in 2011 as a way for Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) to test its mass emergency vaccination plan. Therefore, it is only...
Introducing FirstVU
Oct. 1, 2018—Are you a first generation college student? Being a first generation college student encompasses many things, it does not necessarily follow a strict definition. This umbrella term can apply to you in many ways like these: being the first in your family to attend any college (like Anarius) being the first in your family to...