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On Hanging with Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman

Mar. 16, 2015—What better way to kick off Spring in Nashville than my very first celebrity sighting?

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My “First Love” at Vandy

Dec. 17, 2014—A class on a subject I never really developed a penchant for. On a topic I was always curious about. With the kind of professor you can go share your life's problems with. Talk about explore. This is why you do it. This is why they tell you to try out different classes in college, particularly at Vanderbilt. Because at such an awesome place, more often than not, you are likely to come across a great class. Like I stumbled onto my "first love" at Vandy - English 102W with Professor William Reid Douglass.

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Salvage the Bones

Feb. 7, 2014—Every year, the incoming first-year class is united through a Commons Reading. This summer reading is assigned in hopes to foster a discussion between students during their first few weeks at Vanderbilt

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The Dean’s Book Club

Feb. 6, 2014—Since December, I’ve participated in the Dean’s Book Club on two occasions. The first book, a slim volume of poetry called Maybe the Saddest Thing by Marcus Wicker, confused me with its plenitude of hip-hop and pop culture references. There were a few poems, however, that I enjoyed, even though I knew I was missing...

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Books Galore!

Jan. 9, 2014—One of the biggest struggles at the beginning of each semester is getting all of your new textbooks. This process is expensive, time-consuming, and difficult, especially if you don't know exactly which classes you are going to keep. You definitely don't want to buy them too early or too late. Buying your textbooks is like saying your vows: "til death do us part, class, because I have spent $50 on this book for you"...

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“Don’t let schooling interfere with your education”- Mark Twain

Dec. 9, 2013—This happened quite a while ago but I feel compelled to speak about it because of the thoughts it evoked from me. I am talking about choosing next semester’s classes. It is actually difficult to fathom that an entire semester at this beautiful school has come and gone just like that. It literally feels like...

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Declaring your major!

Dec. 7, 2013—Even though I still had an entire semester to ponder the heavy, eternal life questions (which include but are unfortunately not limited to, “What am I going to do after I graduate?”) and declare a major (it has to happen before spring break of your sophomore year) I decided, earlier this semester, to seize the...

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The Vanderbilt Review: Profiles

Nov. 26, 2013—It's been a while, dear readers, and perhaps you've been wondering what has kept me from blogging as often as I normally do. Well, allow me to show you one of the things that has recently been filling my time!

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First Year writing Seminar Vs. Fall Break

Oct. 12, 2013—As an international student, I know that my chances of going back home are restricted to Summer break and maybe Winter break. Which is kind of sad, but still fine. There are so many things you can do during breaks if you’re an international student and it is a great way to explore the US....

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The First Five Things I’ll Do At Vandy

Aug. 20, 2013—I’m very excited to head back to school after making many fun memories over summer vacation. I even wrote a blog post about the five things I needed/wanted to do before leaving home since as Dorothy says: “there’s no place like home”. ;) In the same vein, I wanted to write a blog about the first five things I’m going to do upon my return to Nashville..

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