What I’m Looking Forward To
Nov. 17, 2015—It’s been a little while since my last blog post. I’m still recovering from a killer week with two big exams and a research paper, but I figured I should write something before finals approach. Oh boy. Don’t want to start thinking about that. The semester is gradually winding to a close. I just had...
Ready, Set, Relay!
Oct. 25, 2015—An inside look into one of Vanderbilt's largest fundraisers.
Escaping the Vander-bubble
Oct. 18, 2015—Nashville has a ton to offer, and it's always worth the effort to get off campus once in a while and explore.
Intro to Vanderbilt
Oct. 6, 2015—A survey of my first few weeks at Vanderbilt and in Nashville, with a focus on music. No prerequisites required.