Public Art at Vanderbilt
Apr. 9, 2016—Are you an artist interested in making you work public? Do you want a community that supports your creativity? You have it!
Mayfields and Immigration
Apr. 4, 2016—The biggest accomplishment this week: I have secured housing for next year! This is just one of many steps I've been taking to prepare myself for my next year.
Choirs and Culture
Mar. 19, 2016—Some weekends are more involved than others, but this one? Singing, pancakes, enormous essays, and throngs of prospective students? Oh Vanderbilt, I never tire of what you send my way.
Ever the Planner
Mar. 15, 2016—Sure, it has been a while since I've posted, but just you wait, there's content a-coming.
Viruses, Space, and the Future: The College Experience
Feb. 9, 2016—Yes, this is quite the eclectic list, but what else can one expect when at college? The past two weeks have been perplexing to me.
We’ll Call This Part Two
Jan. 24, 2016—Two weeks in, and I've gathered that Vanderbilt is just as amazing as I had left it. It's cold outside now, so gather around for a cozy story of why Vanderbilt has my love!
That’s a Wrap!
Dec. 21, 2015—Things have finally wrapped up, and I'm not talking about a to-go order at Chipotle, although that's almost as important. My first semester of college is now officially behind me, but I'll always keep it in the forefront of my mind.
Winding Down and Moving Out
Dec. 14, 2015—Finals. Yikes. That may be what you think, but let me tell you, it's not nearly as bad as rumor has it. In fact, staying on top of things allows you to have a lot of fun!
Thanksgiving Break (and Far Beyond)
Dec. 6, 2015—Thanksgiving break can be fun and all, but I'm making some of my favorite memories right here at Vanderbilt. Take a look at just a few!