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May, 2017

Literally Everything about Academics (Or, How to Succeed at General Chemistry)

May. 29, 2017—Being real about grades, those people with the detailed excel spreadsheets, The Upperclassmen, and of course, General Chemistry. What would be a post without it?

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Random Things I Love about Vandy

May. 19, 2017—1. Rand bowls These things are magical. The long rand bowl line proves it. The intensely dedicated rand bowl lady also bolsters the fact. What are rand bowls, you ask? They are the nutritious grain-protein-veggie masterpieces of Rand dining center. You pick between quinoa and freekeh for your grain, chicken, steak, or vegan steak for...

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What my Freshman Year Roommate Taught Me

May. 18, 2017—Honestly, I was extremely anxious about my first roommate, especially since I met her through Facebook. We only messaged each other a few times over the summer to coordinate things for the room. I wondered if she would like me or if we would get along. But after my freshman year, I could not have...

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God, Me, and Vanderbilt (The 11th Thing I Learned Sophomore Year)

May. 15, 2017—God is a crazy being, and life at Vanderbilt has been a roller coaster I never though it would be. Regardless of where you are on your faith journey, regardless of whether you believe in God, you're not sure, or you know for sure that he doesn't exist, I know you know that life is a precious thing. This is what this post is all about.

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I’m Back! With… The Eleven Things I learned Sophomore Year

May. 15, 2017—Sophomore year hit me hard, but sometimes, the hardest hits make the biggest impacts for the better. Welcome to a new series: The Eleven Things I learned Sophomore Year

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Last Post: Graduation

May. 15, 2017—Thank you Vanderbilt.

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Things I Learned After One Year at Vandy

May. 9, 2017—You’re going to study a lot more than you ever did, but then you’ll have more fun than you ever did The laundry room is an unexpected but great place to make friends It’s ok to not end up best friends with your roommate Ask for cracked eggs in the commons omelette line But if...

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