Last Post: Graduation
Thank you to those of you that have been reading my blogs over the past two years. This one will be my last one because I graduated this past Friday with a degree in neuroscience. I am proud to forever be a part of the Commodore family and am excited to return to Nashville next year as a research assistant, but I wanted to use this last post to reflect on Vanderbilt and the people, events, and organizations that made my undergraduate journey an amazing experience.
I would like to thank the classes that pushed me to hit the library harder, the teachers that inspired me to think further, challenged me to change the world, or supported my dreams, friends that would encourage me through my pre-med struggles, laugh with me on the way to class or while grabbing a meal at the dining hall, walk with me to Qdoba at midnight or the bookstore before classes, take a trip to Memphis with me to watch a NCAA tournament game or a concert venue in Nashville, or teach me something new that could not be found in a book, Founder’s walk, wins against UT in football or Kentucky in basketball, tailgates, Rites of Spring, random Thursday nights, beach week, and graduation for providing me with some of the most memorable moments of my life, transfer orientation, KA, APO, ASB/AWB, and MEDLIFE for introducing me to diverse people with different interests and passions from all over the country, and the Vanderbilt community for accepting me a year late, allowing me to discover myself, and giving me an experience that was better than I ever could have hoped for.

Thank you Vanderbilt for an unforgettable experience. To those of you considering Vanderbilt, you will not regret it. You will experience the lowest of the lows and the highest of the highs, but you will meet your best friends, make memories that will last a lifetime, and become the best version of yourself at the end. I promise.
Anchor Down,
-Jeff Yung