October, 2014
Choices for a Pre-Med
Oct. 9, 2014—For all you seniors out there, it’s that time of the year: college applications. If many of you are like me, you’re looking for schools that give you ample opportunities for a pre-med, but are having trouble interpreting what exactly are “ample opportunities.” Maybe you’re not even sure if you’re still going to pursue a career...
A Night in the Wild
Oct. 8, 2014—Over the weekend, I got together with 7 other guys and we went camping in Tennessee’s very own Percy Priest Lake. We knew we wanted to go camping. Then one of us mentioned a spot that he had gone once where there was both cliff jumping and canoeing involved. We were immediately sold. Fast forward...
Movies + Dancing + Theater = FUN!
Oct. 5, 2014—A week full of Channing Tatum, Garba and Much Ado About Nothing.
The Commons Plague
Oct. 3, 2014—It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a college student in possession of bad luck, must get the Commons Plague.
Above the Mason-Dixon Line: Part 2
Oct. 2, 2014—After my adventures in New York City, it was time to get down to serious business. My boys and I rolled into New Haven, Connecticut and checked into the Knights of Columbus conference. So, short story, Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization that has councils located all over the world. The basic mission...