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The first week of…spring?

Posted by on Friday, March 22, 2013 in College Life, Nashville, Nature, Weather.

Yay future spring!!

Nashville has always had weird weather patterns–you wake up at 7 a.m. and it’s 30 degrees outside but by the end of the afternoon, you’re yanking off layers because it’s 65!  Similarly, it can be the brightest sunniest day you’ve ever seen but be freezing cold.  I learned freshman year to actually read the weather reports because you can never judge what to wear based on the perceived weather outside without some degree of suffering. ;)  That being said, the weather right now tops all of that!

It’s technically the first week of spring and yet I had to drag out my winter hat, gloves, and scarf again to head to class today.  The flowers might be growing, the squirrels might be scurrying, and the robins might be chirping, but spring it is not. :(  On Monday we practically had a monsoon as I headed off to class; it was so bad my teacher ended up canceling class by the time I got to Peabody drenched to the bone.  On Tuesday and Wednesday it even snowed!  None of it stuck to the ground or produced an easily-stimulated snow day, but it still snowed.  My mind, body, and everything is ready for summer break (I only have around a month left!!), but I am trapped in a never-ending winter.

Did you know that the awesome squirrels on Vandy's campus were one of the reasons I applied here? Weird, huh?

That being said, I am hopeful for these upcoming weeks because once spring hits Nashville, it turns into the warmest beautiful sun-shiny place I’ve ever seen.  You have to be careful as you walk not to tread on squirrels because they are so abundant.  You can see kids playing in Centennial park as other Vanderbilt students lie out on the lawns in bathing suits, hoping to prep their tans and burn off some pre-exam steam.  Spring at Vanderbilt is a wonderful sight that consistently keeps a smile on my lips.  And I’m anticipating that transition with every fibre of my being! :)

…Until next time!

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