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‘Summer Break’

Summer 2019 Plans

Mar. 25, 2019—If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you’ll know that I post updates each year on how I’m planning to spend my summer break. This year is a bit different. I still have some plans, but after three years of hard work, my main plan for the summer is to REST. With the...

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Quickie February Post: Apps, Apps everywhere

Feb. 15, 2015—Expecting chocolates and roses this month? Think again, college students!

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Chronicles of Narnia: the Student, the Shift, and the Family

Dec. 24, 2014—Going home for the holidays might not be what you expected it to be. Sure wasn't for me the first time.

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Thanks for the memories

Apr. 28, 2013—Not too long ago I was in the very spot I sit right now, curled into fetal position with Ed Tullett playing in the background (look him up…am I cool yet?), lamenting the departure of my parents from Nashville, and nursing my feelings of abandonment/nervous stomachache the only way I knew how. Alone in my...

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The first week of…spring?

Mar. 22, 2013—Nashville has always had weird weather patterns--you wake up at 7 a.m. and it's 30 degrees outside but by the end of the afternoon, you're yanking off layers because it's 65! That being said, the weather right now tops all of that...

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Air Assault Class 20-11

Aug. 16, 2011—This July, I attended the Sabalauski Air Assault School at Fort Campbell, KY. 10 1/2 days of horrendously hot weather ensued! The previous sentence is the most concise (still very accurate) way to describe my Air Assault experience this summer. However, I’ve been told that typing one sentence will not suffice, so I will endeavor to...

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The Completely Average Life

Aug. 8, 2011—It’s been a while, reader. You’ve had three months to sit and reflect and continuously re-read my last post, refreshing every few hours for the entirety of the summer in hopes that you’ll be rewarded with a new one… and here it is. Unlike TC, I lack the ability to remember even highly important facts...

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Fish Heads and Floods

Jun. 28, 2011—In my last post, I said I would be spending a month in Zanzibar, Tanzania teaching English and other things.  I got back from this amazing trip in the middle of June, and can’t wait to tell you all about it. For the geography impaired (me), Tanzania is on the east coast of Africa, under the...

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