Awesome Adventures
As the semester comes to a close (I’ve finished my last final! I’m halfway through college!) I’ve been reflecting back on sophomore year as a whole. This year was incredibly fun and I’d figure I’d sum that up by making a list of “9 Things I Never Saw Myself Doing But Did in My Sophomore Year of College” (that’s a mouthful) and shamelessly link you to some other blog posts I’ve written:
1. Hike a waterfall. Prior to coming to college, my hiking/outdoorsy knowledge was limited mostly to the beach. I’m not a particularly outdoorsy person and Florida is flat, so hiking even the smallest hills becomes an adventure. Hiking right next to a waterfall? Pretty awesome.

2. Sleep in a tent. Again, I’ve never been camping. But last semester a group of us went to a friend’s family farm and slept outside in the bitter cold (well, it was cold for me). It was intense (read aloud for a terrible, terrible pun).
3. Kickbox. I went to kickboxing class quite a few times this semester and thoroughly enjoyed it. And since I’ll be living across from the Rec next year, I’ll hopefully be able to keep going next year!
4. Perform in a South Asian cultural celebration. I’m talking about Diwali! Who’d have thought I’d be dancing on stage here at Vanderbilt.
5. Play disc golf. Another thing I am not known for is my athletic prowess. Yet, I tried out a new sport in my sophomore year of college. I don’t think I’ll be going pro anytime soon.
6. Celebrate marriage proposals. I can’t believe I have friends who are already getting married! This school year, 3 of my friends got engaged–one of them included a rooftop celebration.
7. Jump off a cliff. Last Saturday, I went with a big group of Vanderbilt students to High Falls in Scottsboro, AL and literally jumped off a cliff. Though I’m not in the video, you can get a first hand experience of what it was like (I should note that I jumped from the lowest cliff available–I’m not totally crazy):
8. Visit New Orleans. Who’d have thought I’d go to New Orleans over spring break!
9. Go to the Kentucky Derby. Okay, so technically I haven’t done this yet, but this weekend fellow blogger Caitlyn and I are going to the Kentucky Derby with our friend Shilpa! Stay tuned for a future post on this adventure.
All in all, it’s sad to see my sophomore year come to a close. But looking back on all of the adventures I’ve had this past school year (this list definitely doesn’t encompass them all), I know I’ve got another 2 jam-packed years ahead of me.