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Puppies in the Park

Posted by on Thursday, April 5, 2012 in College Life, General Information, Greek Life, Service, Student Life.

There were a ton of really great Greek philanthropy events this weekend including AOPi’s baseball-themed Strike Out Arthritis and AXO’s Volley Against Violence, but one in particular caught my attention.

Even though I really don’t get homesick, there are still many things from home that I miss when I’m at school: my family, my comfy bed, showering without shower shoes, you name it! But there is nothing I miss more than my two poodle, Katie and Ollie. Alpha Tau Omega‘s philanthropy event Puppies in the Park helped me fill that void this weekend.

If you’re an animal lover like me, there are many opportunities on campus to get involved in community service that involves animals, such as the pre-vet society, VPAWS.  There are many veterinary offices around Nashville that are always looking for interns and volunteers to help out. Finally, the Humane Society in Nashville is amazing and has a lot of public support throughout the Nashville community and from Vanderbilt students alike.

ATO’s event charged five dollars per person that would go towards an overall donation to the animal shelters participating in the event.  This money helped provide funds to care for these animals that would otherwise be put down.  This was ATO’s first year doing the event, but it was extremely successful because, well, who wouldn’t want to go play with puppies all afternoon on Alumni Lawn?!

Here are a few more pictures of the adorable little guys I got the play with:

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