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‘Warren and Moore’

Keep Calm and Apply

Mar. 1, 2015—As my fellow blogger James mentioned, February is the time to apply for many different positions. For many college students, this is the the time to send in applications for jobs, graduate schools and internships. Apart from these external applications, there are many positions at Vanderbilt itself which have deadlines towards the end of the...

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Meet My New WAMily

Dec. 12, 2014—I’m a proud resident of Rice hall in Moore College, and our Area Coordinator always starts his emails with “Hey WAMily!” It’s evokes a cutesy ‘ohana-means-family vibe, but I’ve started reading it as WAM, ily. I’m giving myself permission to be cheesy because it’s winter break, a time of sappy family scenes and affection. So...

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Warren and Moore, Here I Come!

Feb. 11, 2014—Room selection for Moor College Hall at Kissam. As a result of a random lottery, I am the proud resident-to-be of a single in the currently under-construction residence hall at Vanderbilt University. And the best part is that I will still have the option to live at Kissam as a junior and senior.

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