‘Vanderbilt Dining’
TWO new dining options coming this fall!
Aug. 9, 2013—Two new dining options are coming to a campus near you!
Tortellini Tuesdays
Feb. 8, 2011—Much like Morgan in her post about Grins, I was really worried about food when choosing college. See, my mom makes the most delicious homemade dinner every night, so it was daunting to find a school that had food half as good as home. There are tons of delicious places to eat on campus, and...
At the Tips of my Fingers
Mar. 8, 2010—Two days ago I downloaded the brand-new Vanderbilt dining app to my iPhone and never again will I go hungry! It tells me all the restaurants around Vanderbilt where I can use my Vandy card, when they are open, how far away they are, and their phone number. It really is the coolest thing since...