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‘tri delta’

Another Round of Delta Underground!

Nov. 8, 2016—There are so many unique performances, speakers, and charity benefits that are happening every week on Vanderbilt’s campus, but Delta Underground holds a special place in my heart. Every fall, my entire sorority puts together a show for which all the proceeds go to our philanthropy, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital.

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Derby Days

Mar. 29, 2012—It’s that time of year again…Derby Days! Every year, Sigma Chi holds a philanthropic competition between the sororities on campus, donating all the proceeds to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (so far the total is above $36,000!).

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4:30am Wake Up Calls, Chasing Boys, and Sisterly Bonding – It must be Derby Days!

Mar. 24, 2011—Every year on Vanderbilt’s campus there is a week where sleep becomes non-existent for sorority girls from the hours of 4:30am on, it is not unusual to see a girl pop out of a bush next to you when you are walking down Alumni Lawn to class, and all that loud music, yeah, it’s coming...

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My 4 Sides of Greek Life

Jan. 31, 2011—A few weeks ago Erica and Eileen gave you a good idea of what the decision to go Greek or not is like for a freshman at Vanderbilt. However, as a senior who has literally been on all sides of the system, I thought I would share some my experiences with you also. Read on...

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