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‘study groups’

Surviving Finals – Reserving Library Rooms

Apr. 30, 2019—Finals season is here, which means that the library and every study spot will be a lot more crowded than usual. One of my favorite parts of going to a small school is that you can always find a place to study, even during the most popular times of the year. One of the best...

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How to be a Problem Set Pro

Sep. 17, 2013—As I find myself pumping out four problem sets a week, with my first round of tests looming around the corner, I'd consider myself slowly becoming a problem set pro. After one month into my hardest semester yet at Vandy, I thought I'd offer some study tips I've picked up along the way, that particularly apply to all those engineers or soon-to-be engineers out there.

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Study Group = Lifesaver

Jan. 30, 2012—I have pretty much spent the last three days studying (super fun weekend) and I think I would have lost my sanity if it weren’t for my amazing study group. We call it that but it is really a few of my close friends who have braved the Organic Chemistry and Biology combo with me.

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