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Five-Day Weekend!

Jan. 21, 2018—Thanks to MLK day and two snow days, I had the unusual luck of getting a five-day weekend — a great way to combat senioritis! Although there were no classes, there were plenty to things to do both on and off campus: Hamlet My friend Caroline and I are obsessed with watching Shakespeare on stage...

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Movies for Homework

Nov. 19, 2015—To do your homework or not to do your homework-- that is not the question in this class where our homework is to watch films!

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Soaking up the Sunshine…

Sep. 16, 2013—Nashville is squeezing every last degree of summer warmth for outdoor recreational purposes. Here's to giggling at the Marx brothers, thanks to Belcourt Theatre's outdoor feature, and chomping on kettle corn with the fairies--and almost choking on it from laughing so hard--at Shakespeare in the Park's production of Midsummer Night's Dream!

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The First Few Weeks: a recap

Sep. 9, 2012—The first few weeks of school have been chock full of activities: soccer practice, AOII meetings, classes, working in Admissions, random adventures, and of course, the ever-present antagonist in all of our lives-homework.

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Trying New Things

Sep. 3, 2012—Adventures in Nashville while pretending to be Hipsters

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Magical Opera at Vanderbilt!

Nov. 13, 2010—Last night was opening night for the Blair School of Music’s performance of Shakespeare’s The Merry Wives of Windsor in Ingram Hall. Good portions of both the voice department and orchestra were involved with making the show the truly spectacular experience that it was; not to mention the brilliance of conductor Robin Fountain and director...

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